ARFSA subsidy programme selects 6 food system projects in Africa

Last checked on:
12 July 2024
Published on:
9 July 2024

In response to the global food crisis, the Accelerating Resilient Food Systems in Africa (ARFSA) programme has selected 6 new projects. In these projects, civil society organisations, businesses and knowledge institutes will work together to strengthen local food systems in 6 African countries. They will receive funding from the ARFSA subsidy programme. 

African woman between her crops

Accelerating resilient food systems

ARFSA has awarded these projects that aim to improve food productivity, stability and sustainability in Africa. Also, it will add value to national and regional markets. The projects are taking place in Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan and Uganda. For the next 2 to 3 years, partners work together on contributing to robust local food systems that can withstand climate change, pandemics and war. 

Unique food security projects

What sets these projects apart? Their

  • programme's strategy, which matches the Netherlands' food security policy;   
  • partners' practical experience; and;
  • long-term, sustainable impact. 

Achieving SDG 2: Zero hunger

By improving farming and climate practices, the awarded ARFSA projects will help vulnerable smallholders and their local farming systems. With ARFSA's support, the projects have a better chance of succeeding. A safer and more sustainable local food system will help those who need it most and ensure a resilient food future for the region.

Astrid Broekaart is an ARFSA Coordinator at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Astrid says, "We were pleased by the number of proposals we received, especially their high quality. From them, we have selected 6 impactful projects eligible for a subsidy. These projects will contribute to resilient local food systems in Africa."

Selected ARFSA projects

Overview of the awarded projects
Organisation Project title Country
  • Woord & Daad;
  • Office de Développement des Eglises Evangélique; 
  • Société Coopérative avec Conseil d’Administration des Professionnels Maraîchers du Yatenga.
Hope and food for dry Burkina Faso 
Burkina Faso
  • Both ENDS; 
  • Centre Régional d'Enseignement Spécial, affiliated to Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger;
  • Secrétariat Permanent des ONGs;
  • Institut Economie et Développement Afrique.
Communities accelerate local food systems' resilience in the Sahel with farmer-managed natural regeneration. Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition; 
  • East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation;
  • Wageningen University and Research.
DELIVER Nigeria: DEcent LIVelihoods for small-scale producers, delivered through Economic & Resilient food systems. Nigeria
  • Cooperative Dutch Coalition for Relief and Development U.A.;
  • ZOA Dorcas South Sudan;
  • University of Juba.
Accelerating value chain and agrifood enterprise development that build Food Systems Resilience (AFSRiSS). South Sudan
  • ZOA Netherlands;
  • ZOA Uganda; 
  • Palm Corps.
Developing sustainable, resilient, and inclusive local food systems in the West Nile Region (DRIVE). Uganda
  • AidEnvironment; 
  • Food for the Hungry;
  • Kapchorwa Civil Society Organisation's Alliance.
Harvesting health: Integrating nutrition and sustainable farming in Mount Elgon. Uganda

The ARFSA programme

ARFSA helps organisations with proven experience to scale up and accelerate activities that significantly contribute to resilient local food systems. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds ARFSA; RVO carries out the programme.

More information

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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