Temporarily closed

Orange Corners Innovation Fund - OCIF

Last checked on:
17 June 2024
Published on:
4 March 2021

Do you want to help startups that have innovative solutions to local challenges? Would you like to manage an investment fund for early-stage startups? Apply for a subsidy from the Orange Corners Innovation Fund (OCIF). This programme provides fund managers with capital to invest in early-stage startups.

What is OCIF?

OCIF is a subsidy programme that provides fund managers with capital to invest in early-stage startups. OCIF supports young, innovative entrepreneurs in Africa, Asia and the Middle East to scale up their businesses and create jobs. OCIF also helps young entrepreneurs prepare for investment and attract commercial follow-up investments.

OCIF is an addition to the existing Orange Corners Incubation and Acceleration Component (OCIAC). The Orange Corners programmes give young entrepreneurs access to training, networks and facilities to start or scale their businesses.

For whom?

OCIF is for fund managers who want to:

  • Encourage young entrepreneurs in target locations to turn innovative solutions to local challenges into practical business plans;
  • Help young entrepreneurs in the target locations prepare for investment;
  • Support young entrepreneurs in the target locations to attract commercial follow-up investments;
  • Support the medium- to long-term development of the private sector and the business environment in the target locations;
  • Tackle youth unemployment and promote economic growth by supporting startups.

Applicants for OCIF must be private companies or NGOs. A financial authority in the target location must legally authorise the applicant to provide (interest-free) loans.


A total of €46.2 million is available for OCIF. Fund managers can apply for a subsidy of up to €2.2 million per target location.

Subsidies will be awarded for no more than 95% of the eligible costs. This means that private companies or NGOs must provide their own contribution of at least 5% of the eligible costs. The maximum subsidy amount does not include the 5% own contribution. 

The own contribution can be monetary or in-kind. In the case of an in-kind contribution, you must quantify the monetary value in the budget tool. 


OCIF target locations include:

Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq (Kurdistan region), Iraq (proper), Jordan, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia.

Application rounds

OCIF has 3 rounds of applications:

  • The first round was for applications that focused on Angola, Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Morocco, Mozambique and Nigeria. The first round opened on 2 October 2023, 12:00 CEST and closed on 20 November at 12:00 CET.
  • The second round was for applications that focused on Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, Senegal and South Africa. The second round opened on 12 February 2024, 12:00 CET and closed on 1 April 2024 at 12:00 CEST.
  • The third round is for applications that focus on Bangladesh, Burundi, Iraq (Kurdistan region), Iraq (proper), Mali, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia. The third round opens on 6 May 2024, 12:00 CEST and closes on 17 June 2024 at 12:00 CEST.

How to apply

This subsidy programme is temporarily closed.

To apply for this subsidy, you must first submit a quick scan. Follow the 'How to apply' steps to submit a formal subsidy application.

Step 1. Submit a quick scan

You can no longer submit a quick scan. The deadline for the previous application round was 28 May 2024, 12:00 CEST.

To apply for this subsidy, you must first submit a quick scan. The Orange Corners team uses this quick scan to review your project ideas and give you a non-binding recommendation on your proposal. Please carefully read the administrative rules listed under 'Publications' before completing your quick scan. 

The advisory process may take up to 3 weeks. Once you have a recommendation on your quick scan, you can submit your formal subsidy application for your target location.

If you have questions or want to consult one of our advisors before submitting a quick scan, please email us at ocif@rvo.nl.

Step 2. Submit a formal subsidy application

You can only submit a formal subsidy application during an application round. The deadline for the previous application round was 17 June 2024, 12:00 CEST.

Please read all the administrative rules under Publications first. When completing your application, include the annexes listed under Required documents. 

Required documents

Please read and complete the documents below and upload them with your application. 


Please read the administrative rules in these documents carefully before applying. 

Orange Corners Investment Fund (2024-2030) in the Government Gazette (official) (in Dutch, 25 September 2023)

Orange Corners Investment Fund (2024-2030) policy rules change in the Government Gazette (official) (in Dutch, 24 November 2023)

Previous publications

The administrative rules that apply to earlier OCIF application rounds are listed below. 

After your application

We will assess your application based on the criteria in the Administrative Rules. Within 13 weeks of the application closing date, we will inform you whether you are eligible for a subsidy.

Please note that Orange Corners Innovation Fund only assesses applications that meet all the conditions. The highest-scoring application will qualify first, then the second-highest-scoring application, and so on.

Frequently asked questions

More information

For more information about OCIF, visit the Orange Corners website.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency carries out the OCIF subsidy programme on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Questions about OCIF?

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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