Climate action in developing countries
Worldwide, the effects of climate change are undeniable. We need to tackle climate change by addressing its causes, adapting to structural changes and building resilience to climate events. Companies and organisations can help partner countries with sustainable and innovative solutions. Would you like to help tackle climate change in developing countries? Learn more about how we can support you.

Tackling climate change together
The climate crisis has a global impact, but it is the lowest-income countries that are affected the most. The Netherlands is committed to helping developing countries become more resilient to weather extremes such as drought, flooding and heat. Climate change mitigation and adaptation are equally important in the Netherlands' policy.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, access to renewable energy is essential. Together with partners, the goal is to ensure that by 2030, 100 million people will have access to renewable energy. Stopping deforestation is also extremely important. The Netherlands aims to contribute to stopping deforestation worldwide by 2030. It will do this by influencing European and international policy, encouraging sustainable agriculture and trade, and providing innovative financing for sustainable farming.
What does the Netherlands Enterprise Agency do?
We contribute to climate change adaptation, mitigation, response and CO2 reduction via programmes such as the Climate and Energy Response Facility (CERF), Energising Development (EnDev), Reversing the Flow (RtF), Dutch Disaster Risk Reduction & Surge Support (DRRS), SDG 7 Results, SEE-Clean Cooking, Partners for Water (PVW-IVWW), Water as Leverage and Accelerating Resilient Food Systems in Africa (ARFSA). In all of our programmes and projects, we consider our effect on the climate.
How can we support you?
Are you an entrepreneur? Or do you work at an NGO, knowledge institute, government or social organisation? And would you like to help tackle climate change?
- Contact our advisors for advice on your project
- Find the right partner for your project
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- Read our publications on climate change
- Visit our Development Cooperation Projects Database for an overview of projects we carry out in development cooperation.
Find out how we can cooperate
What have our projects achieved?
Here are a few highlights of what our projects have achieved up until and including 2022:
Source: FDW, GWW, EnDev and SDG 7 Results.
- 79,929 people benefitting from IWRM/safe delta management projects
- 27,705,355 people gained access to renewable energy
- 20.75 million tonnes of CO2 reduced
We achieved some of these results in cooperation with partners such as the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)