Closed for application

FDOV annual progress report

Last checked on:
30 April 2020
Published on:
18 July 2017

Every year, you must submit an annual progress report (narrative and financial) to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. Please use the forms below.

The progress reports should cover the periods mentioned in the grant award and provide an overview of the activities performed and results achieved during this period. They must also explain any deviations from the original project plan. Find more information on how to calculate labour costs in the download below.

For those results that have been achieved in full during the reporting period, all the corresponding Means of Verification (MoV) must be sent as well.


Advance payments depend on the liquidity and budget prognoses received with your progress report. This means that the payment schedule in Annex II will be adjusted based on the new liquidity and budget prognoses. The funds will be paid in advance in quarterly instalments up to a maximum of 90% of the total subsidy amount.

Reporting changes

Please remember to inform us immediately of facts or circumstances which may change the implementation of (parts of) the project, cause delay in carrying out the project, or prevent you from fulfilling your obligations as laid down in the grant award. More information on requesting a change of plan.

Forms to complete

Extra information ME form

Extra information labour costs

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Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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