Temporarily closed for application

Conditions SDE++

Last checked on:
5 September 2023
Published on:
22 July 2020

Do you want to apply for Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition (SDE++) subsidy scheme? The following conditions apply to all SDE++ categories.


Only for the intended producer

The SDE++ subsidy is intended for companies and organizations (non-profit and otherwise) that produce renewable energy or apply CO2-reducing techniques. You are only eligible for an SDE++ subsidy if you are a producer. If you are not planning to set up and operate the production facility yourself, you are not a producer and cannot apply for a subsidy. If you are planning to construct and operate a single production facility with other parties, you could set up a project entity or a partnership. National government entities cannot apply for a subsidy.

One application per category

For each application round of the SDE++ scheme you may submit a maximum of one application per category and per address at which your production facility is located. However, you may apply for a subsidy for different categories of production facilities at the same address.

Application rate

The subsidy rate applied for (the ‘application rate’) may vary. You should submit your subsidy application with one decimal place in euros per MWh or in case of CCS or CCU up to four decimal places  per tonne of CO2. This allows you to tailor your subsidy application more closely to your project. The application rate may not exceed the maximum rate for the relevant phase. It may also not exceed the maximum base rate for the category concerned.

Feasibility study

You are required to submit a feasibility study with your application. The feasibility study should include:

  • A clear financial plan
  • Proof of your equity capital
  • A statement of operations and a detailed timeframe for the commissioning of the production facility.
  • A technical description of the production facility
  • An energy or product yield calculation.

Different supporting documents are required for the ‘Solar PV ≥ 15 kWp and ≤ 1 MWp’ categories. You can find more information about the elements the feasibility study must contain on the page Bijlagen bij uw aanvraag SDE++ (information in Dutch).


In most cases, one or more permits are required for the production facility. For almost all categories, the competent authority must have issued these permits before you submit your subsidy application. Please attach the permits to your application. The permits that are applicable may differ between the categories.

Owner consent

If you are not the owner of the intended location for the production facility, you need the consent of the owner of the location to build and operate the facility. Use the ‘Site owner consent template’ for this purpose. You can find it on the page Bijlagen bij uw aanvraag (information in Dutch).

Transmission capacity indication

If you are going to produce electricity, you must submit a transmission capacity indication. This is an indication that we use to assess whether there is sufficient transmission capacity available for the location for which you are applying for a subsidy. Ask your grid operator to prepare the transmission capacity indication for you. Because the transmission capacity of the electricity grid can change, the indication must be issued for the application round in which you are applying for a subsidy. See for more information the page Bijlagen bij uw aanvraag (information in Dutch).

Private grid

Would you like to connect your production facility to a private grid (Closed-Distribution System grid)? In that case, you and the private grid operator must request a transmission capacity indication from your national or regional grid operator who is responsible for the transfer point to which the private grid is connected. If you do not know who your grid operator is, you can check at www.eancodeboek.nl.

Grid operators

Other subsidies and over-incentivisation assessment

If you receive an SDE++ subsidy for a production facility, you cannot apply for a Sustainable Energy Investment Subsidy (ISDE), Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) and/or the Subsidy Scheme for Cooperative Energy Generation (SCE) for that installation. An exception to this rule is non-building-mounted solar PV projects for which a subsidy is granted in the application rounds 2016 untill 2020. For these projects, it may be possible to apply for an EIA to cover the investment costs of the grid connection. Check the page Energielijst 2022 (information in Dutch) to see if this applies to your situation.

Have you received any other subsidies besides the SDE++? If so, one year after the facility is commissioned we will check whether your SDE++ subsidy meets the conditions of the European Commission’s Environmental Aid Guidelines (EAG). We will do so through an MSK-assessment. If the test shows that you have received or will receive more financial support than is allowed, this will be a case of over-incentivisation. It may lead to a reduction in the SDE++ subsidy paid out.
For a number of categories, we always check for over-incentivisation. Even if you do not receive any other financial support than SDE++. This applies to the following categories:

  • Service life extension for the production of renewable electricity
  • Electric boilers;
  • Use of waste heat;
  • Industrial heat pumps with 3,000 full-load hours
  • Electrolytic hydrogen production;
  • CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage);
  • CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization).
Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
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