Closed for application

Transition Facility - TF

Last checked on:
4 January 2022
Published on:
29 July 2014

The Transition Facility (TF) was a programme that encouraged Dutch SMEs and knowledge institutes to become active on the up-and-coming markets in Colombia, Vietnam and South Africa.

You can no longer apply for this subsidy; the facility is closed.

Other facilities

The Transition Facility is closed. For inspiration, please see other schemes and projects in developing countries, such as

Transition Facility in practice

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With the Transition Facility, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed to stimulate Dutch entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from Colombia, Vietnam and South Africa to improve the business climate in these transition countries.

Transition countries have received the international label 'promising'. These countries have a relatively good investment climate, decent economic policies and a well-developed financial sector. Also, these countries also have a rapidly expanding middle class, a relatively young population and a stable political situation. These are important ingredients for durable, local economic growth. Therefore, these countries are interesting markets for Dutch SMEs.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has financed the Transition Facility. It was implemented by the Dutch embassies and consulates general in the transition countries and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

Publications for Transition Facility

Previous publications and notices about the programme Transition Facility (TF) can be downloaded here.



The legal guidelines for the Transition Facility have been laid out in the Government Gazette (in Dutch):

  • Government Gazette no. 16772: Establishment of policy rules and maximum subsidy amount 2013 for subsidy granting based on the Subsidy Scheme Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2006 relating to the Transition Facility. (21-06-2013)
  • Government Gazette no. 6169: Changes in the Subsidy Scheme 'Internationally outstanding' and establishment of maximum subsidy amounts 2013. (08-03-2013)
  • Government Gazette no. 12782: Changes in the Subsidy 'Internationally outstanding' related to the introduction of the Transition Facility, as well as changes in the Subsidy scheme 'Opening and maximum subsidy amount EZ 2012'. (25-06-2012)
  • Government Gazette no. 3971: Establishing maximum subsidy amount and changes in policy rules 2014 based on the Subsidy Scheme Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2006 relating to the Transition Facility. (13-02-2014)
Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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