
Climate and Energy Response Facility - CERF

Last checked on:
17 April 2024
Published on:
10 January 2022

Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and mitigating climate change is now more important than ever. The Climate and Energy Response Facility (CERF) contributes to this goal. The facility supports partner countries with their climate and energy transitions. The facility also helps partner countries carry out climate mitigation actions faster. CERF will run from 2022 to 2025.

What is CERF?

CERF is a flexible facility with a focus on climate change mitigation. Climate change mitigation is the effort to reduce or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases. Its effect will limit the amount of future warming.

CERF facilitates the follow-up of policy dialogues on climate mitigation ambitions and actions between Dutch diplomatic missions and partner countries. The facility focuses on solving challenges and co-creating practical solutions that suit the local context. CERF also aims to mobilise experts from different professional disciplines, financiers and local stakeholders to speed up transition pathways. CERF finances activities aimed at:

  • knowledge sharing;
  • policy advice; and
  • capacity strengthening;

while connecting supporting instruments and establishing partnerships. This includes financial partnerships.

Dutch diplomatic missions in selected partner countries will design a tailored, multi-annual CERF collaboration approach for specific sectors. In other selected countries, CERF will support quick, short-term collaboration. The approach and interventions must be in line with the missions' multi-annual country strategies. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency will support these Dutch diplomatic missions.

For whom?

CERF is a government-to-government facility for Dutch diplomatic missions. It supports climate diplomacy dialogue between the Netherlands and selected partner countries. CERF also offers follow-up via other instruments to reach its long-term ambitions.

CERF themes

CERF focuses on sharing expertise on climate change mitigation in a number of high-impact sectors. Important CERF themes are, among others, offshore wind, hydrogen, solar energy and circular economy.

CERF partner countries

See the tables below for the ODA and Non-ODA partner countries CERF supports via long-term collaboration and multi-annual support, and short-term collaboration. 

ODA partner countries
Long-term collaboration and multi-annual support Short-term collaboration
Algeria Brazil
Bangladesh China
Colombia Democratic Republic of Congo
Côte d'Ivoire Ethiopia
Egypt Jordan
Ghana Lebanon
India Malaysia
Indonesia Mexico
Kenya Palestinian Territories
Morocco Tanzania
Nigeria Thailand
Senegal Tunisia
South Africa Türkiye
Non-ODA partner countries
Long-term collaboration and multi-annual support Short-term collaboration
Japan Australia
South Korea Canada
  Saudi Arabia
  United Arab Emirates
  United States of America


Dutch diplomatic missions in CERF partner countries can contact CERF via the CERF contact form.


More information

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency manages CERF on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the Development Cooperation Project database, you can find an overview of the projects CERF carries out. You can filter by location, sector and status, among others.

Questions about CERF?

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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