Open for application

SIB alternative markets

Last checked on:
3 March 2025
Published on:
13 June 2022

Is your business affected by the war in Ukraine, the resulting trade sanctions against Russia, or other trade restrictions? You can use the SIB Alternative markets subsidy to look for a replacement export market.

You can use this subsidy to hire an expert to advise you about optimising your logistical processes or international production. You can also get support to organise your finances or process management remotely. The expert can also help you with alternative markets.

SIB Market entry is part of Support International Business (SIB). With this subsidy, you can (partly) finance various activities that help you take the next step in international trade.

For whom?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Netherlands affected by the war in Ukraine or the trade sanctions against Russia.

Companies registered with the Chamber of Commerce from all sectors can apply for the SIB subsidy. Unincorporated companies, such as sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, and partnerships, are not eligible for SIB. You are also not eligible for SIB subsidy if your company carries out activities that are on the FMO Exclusion List.

Subsidy amount

The subsidy covers 80% of expenses up to €2,500.


  • You represent an SME in the Netherlands;
  • You can prove that you are financially affected by the war in Ukraine or trade sanctions against Russia after 24 February 2022;
  • The expert's advice or guidance focuses on:
    • optimising international production, supply chains or logistical processes;
    • drafting a new international marketing plan;
    • organising financial matters and process management remotely;
    • finding and entering alternative markets.
  • The expert has to meet the following requirements:
    • has at least a higher professional education (HBO) working and thinking level;
    • works for an organisation with export advice as its core business;
    • has proven experience of at least 3 years in carrying out export activities;
    • is not the applicant;
    • does not work at, work for or have a connection with the applicant.

How to apply

Follow these steps to apply for this subsidy:

  1. Look for an expert that suits your needs;
  2. Request a quotation and a resume from the expert. The quotation should contain which services the person will deliver and the expenses per component. Please add these documents to your application;
  3. Apply for the subsidy within 1 month of receiving the quotation.

You must apply for the SIB subsidy yourself or have it handled by a self-selected intermediary. This intermediary cannot be connected in any way to the executor or organiser of the activity. A SIB subsidy may not be applied for by the same party that is paid with this subsidy.

Apply for the subsidy from the Netherlands

Are you applying for a subsidy from the Netherlands?

  1. If so, you will need eHerkenning level 2+. Do you not have this yet? Apply for eHerkenning first. Please take a few days processing time into account. View more information about doing business with RVO
    Do you have eHerkenning level 2+? Then you can apply on 

After your application

We process complete applications only and in order of receipt. The date you sent the completed application is the date of receipt. You will receive a notification of our decision within 13 weeks.

If we approve your application, we will pay you the subsidy within 2 weeks. We will determine the subsidy 21 weeks after the subsidy date.

Random checks

We carry out random checks on subsidy applications. If we select your application for a check, we will ask you to provide extra information. If you do not respond to our request in time, this will affect the granting of the subsidy. You will risk having to pay back the subsidy plus a fine.

Report changes on time

Do you need to adjust your application after we have granted the subsidy? Please notify us before the end of the activity.

Changes for subsidy applications from the Netherlands

  1. Visit SIB Alternative Markets (in Dutch);
  2. Choose the Beheren button and log in with eHerkenning level 2+;
  3. Go to your case and choose what you want to change.

Remember to notify us about any changes. Not notifying us may have implications for granting the subsidy. You will risk having to pay back the subsidy plus a fine.

Legislation and regulations

See the Decision establishing policy rules and subsidy maximum for the full current version of the SIB subsidy (in Dutch).

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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