Market studies international organisations

Last checked on:
13 February 2024
Published on:
2 February 2022

Team International Organisations (TIO) publishes market studies about promising sectors abroad. These studies show a specific country's sector that offers exciting business opportunities. TIO updates this page regularly.

Team International Organisations (TIO) is part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. TIO helps companies position themselves for tenders and orders. For this purpose, TIO uses an extensive network, including international organisations and multilateral banks. Below you find several market studies available for download.

West African case studies for coastal Nature-based Solutions

Coastal erosion and flooding hazards are significant threats to coastal communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure globally. To respond to these global threats, different coastal erosion management approaches and policies have been implemented worldwide. This baseline study describes 30 Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects that are currently in development along the West African coastline. 

Download the market study: West African Case Studies for Coastal Nature Based Solutions

For an interactive map that charts the locations along the West African coastline, visit this webviewer. For some additional factsheets highlighting several projects, see this page.

Financing Nature-based Solutions for coastal protection

This study looks at projects that use Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to restore blue carbon ecosystems. These are areas with mainly mangroves and seagrass in the coastal regions of Africa and Asia. These projects improve coastal protection and support the local economy. The report gives practical tips for developing business models for NbS projects. Especially for public and private investment projects.

Download the market study: Financing Nature-based solutions for coastal protection

Business opportunities in coastal resilience in West Africa (WACA programme)

This report looks at business opportunities that are part of the Worldbank's West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA). It identifies the most critical stakeholders and their roles. The report also mentions the challenges the private sector faces when bidding on WACA projects and the lessons learnt from coastal resilience projects. Also, the study contains a list of current WACA projects that may interest Dutch entrepreneurs.

Dowload the market study: Business opportunities in coastal resilience in West Africa

Climate adaptation projects in Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia

This market study looks at business opportunities in climate adaptation projects in Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. It targets Dutch companies working or wanting to work on projects for International Financing Organisations in Southeast Asia, such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. In particular, on themes serving the development plan of the Government of the Netherlands, such as Climate Adaptation.

Download the market study: Climate adaptation projects in Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia

Business opportunities in the health care sector in Romania and Uzbekistan

This market study takes an in-depth look into the business opportunities in the health care sector in Romania and Uzbekistan. These opportunities result from investments made by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Union (EU), and Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Download the market study: Business opportunities in the health care sector in Romania and Uzbekistan

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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