Integrated Heat Action Plan Guide

Published on:
25 March 2024

The Integrated Heat Action Plan Guide provides step-by-step guidance in drawing up an Integrated Heat Action Plan. This way, municipalities can work on their own process independently or with a trained (external) facilitator. The Guide has been incorporated into the Heat Adaptation Menu and can also be downloaded as a complete document.

The Integrated Heat Action Plan Guide consists of the following parts (only available in Dutch):

  1. Anticipated results
    The results that the municipality aims to achieve after one year
  2. Preparation
    Assembling a core team, writing a starting memo, composition of a local heat network
  3. Kick-off event
    An enthusiastic meeting that leads to broad support and a first step towards measures 
  4. Follow-up event
    The elaboration of the measures from the kick-off meeting into concrete projects
  5. Draw up an Integrated Heat Action Plan and start implementing projects
    The heat risks, measures and required capacity (people, resources) in one plan,
  6. Create a cyclical process and keep the network active
    A look back at the implementation and establishing new priorities
  7. Required capacity
    An overview of the FTE required to complete this process
  8. Tools
    Practical scripts, formats and examples for all activities
  9. Legislation and regulations regarding heat
    An overview of the available guidelines
Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning
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