New water security projects expand the Partners for Water portfolio

Published on:
15 July 2024

The Partners for Water programme has selected 8 water security project proposals. The selected proposals are from companies that want to improve water security by using innovative solutions. The projects will take place through consortia in India, Kenya, the Philippines, Taiwan, the United States of America, Vietnam and Zambia. 

A wooden raft made of tree trunks floats on a river among palm trees.

Partners for Water (PvW) offers opportunities for NGOs, knowledge institutes and companies in the water sector that want to research and test sustainable water management solutions. Below, you will find the selected innovative pilot projects and feasibility studies on water security. These projects will be carried out with a subsidy from the PvW programme.

Water security projects

Title Technology Country Consortium
Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) India Planys Technologies, Variya Tech
Real Life Water budgets for Sustainable Water management Volumetric water budgets through real-time, sensor-based, time-series modelling India Whysor, Kiaar (K.J. Somaiya institute of applied agricultural research), Artesia, Solar Magic, Watermappers
Tackling fluoride contamination Nazava Water Filter Kenya Resilience BV, Nazava Water Filters Ltd, Delft University of Technology, Harbauer Ltd Kenya
Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Cleanblock trickling filtering Philippines Maynilad, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
GREENCHAM in Asian Water Treatment Fersol© Taiwan IHE Delft, FERR-Tech, others
Restoration of Coastal Ecosystems BESE-elements United States of America RB Biobased Institute B.V., Bato Plastics B.V., Foundation NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research), the University of Florida, the University of Central Florida
Reducing nitrogen emissions, improving water quality and promoting a circular economy. Treating wastewater and converting cassava processing waste streams into valuable resources. Vietnam Colubris Cleantech, Yenbinh, STAMEX, Meijer Consult
Portable Solar Pumps for small-scale farmers Portable solar pumps Zambia MetaMeta, Jacana

More information

Partners for Water aims to foster water safety and security abroad in deltas, delta cities and river basins. Water safety and security mean sustainable protection from too much, too little or too dirty water.

The programme is now open for subsidy applications until 6 September 2024, 12:00 CEST (noon). Before you apply, ensure you have scheduled a mandatory intake interview before 15 August 2024. For more information, visit the Partners for Water subsidy page.

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Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
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