Methodology descriptions

Last checked on:
27 November 2023
Published on:
3 August 2023

From 2015 onwards the methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions (including activity data and emission factors) are documented in 5 methodology reports by PRTR task forces.

These 5 reports are:

  • Methodology report on the calculation of emissions to air from the sectors Energy, Industry and Waste (taskforce ENINA).
  • Methods for calculating the emissions of transport (task force Transportation).
  • Product usage by consumers, construction and services (taskforce WESP).
  • Methodology for estimating emissions from agriculture (taskforce Agriculture).
  • Greenhouse gas reporting of the LULUCF sector (taskforce LULUCF).

All reports are updated annually as necessary, and published by the National Inventory Entity as part of the Dutch National System.

Overview methodology reports

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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