Programmatic Approach to Developing Economic Opportunities - PADEO

Last checked on:
9 January 2024
Published on:
27 September 2024

The Dutch government collaborates with many different partners to support private sector development (PSD) in lower-income countries. For better and more sustainable results, we use a flexible working method called PADEO: the Programmatic Approach to Developing Economic Opportunities. By using PADEO, we can better focus, integrate and coordinate our efforts. Discover how this method helps us work together more effectively on solutions that meet local needs. 

What is PADEO?

PADEO is a new way of supporting sustainable international cooperation. The Dutch government introduced this approach in 2021 to improve collaboration between PSD programmes across various countries. By using PADEO, we bring together knowledge, resources and funding, and achieve a greater impact. 

PADEO targets the underlying causes of challenges that private sectors face. With local partners, we work on solutions that bring about systemic change and create better economic opportunities. 

In short, PADEO involves: 

  • Looking at local needs; 
  • Tackling the main causes of issues;
  • Working together to coordinate activities across themes and countries;
  • Aiming for results that last, using Dutch knowledge where helpful;
  • Remaining flexible and adjusting strategies when needed. 

Who uses the PADEO approach?

More and more countries and organisations are using PADEO. There is a growing interest in the approach. The Dutch government uses PADEO in close collaboration with local partners. The PADEO team consists of:

  • the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO); 
  • Dutch embassies; and
  • their local partners. 

The PADEO team designs a strategy and manages PSD projects that run for several years. Dutch embassies are important in the PADEO approach, as they connect local stakeholders with Dutch companies and knowledge institutes.

How does PADEO work?

To address the underlying causes of local problems, the PADEO team works closely with local stakeholders to understand their needs. They then identify 'key leverage points', the areas that can create the most impact when addressed. Using these insights, the team develops solutions, often using Dutch expertise where useful. This approach provides the local private sector with access to valuable resources, knowledge and networks. By co-creating with local partners, we ensure solutions benefit communities in the long term.

Examples of interventions

  • Developing training programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on digitalisation and business growth;
  • Providing young people with access to land and financial opportunities;
  • Creating easier access to payment systems, foreign currency and tax benefits for young entrepreneurs.

PADEO countries

PADEO is now used in projects in the following 9 countries, each with a tailored approach:

Country Sector Focus area
Ethiopia Horticulture Agri-logistics
Ghana Cocoa, horticulture Youth entrepreneurship and employability
Jordan Private sector Green jobs
Kenya Water, agriculture/fishery Integrated water management, fresh fish value chain
Lebanon Agriculture Agri-manufacturing
Mozambique Horticulture Agri-entrepreneurship
Sudan Agriculture Sustainable productivity (on hold due to conflict)
Tunisia Agri-food Youth employment
Uganda Horticulture Access to finance for farmers


Want to get involved?

Is your embassy, NGO, knowledge institute or company active in one of the PADEO countries? And, do you want to support economic development? 

Questions about PADEO?

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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