Apply for a Residence Permit for Foreign Startups

Last checked on:
30 June 2022
Published on:
16 February 2022

To apply for a residence permit for foreign startups, read about the application process and what happens after submitting your application. More details about the application are available from the Netherlands Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Where to submit your application

The application for a residence permit for a startup entrepreneur must be submitted to the IND by the startup entrepreneur or an authorised representative. Startup entrepreneurs residing abroad must submit their application for a residence permit to the Dutch embassy or consulate in the country in which they are residents.

Exceptions to this are startup entrepreneurs of Australian, Canadian, Japanese, New Zealand, American (USA) or South Korean nationality. These entrepreneurs can apply directly to the IND using the application form on the IND website. Foreign nationals who already have a valid residence permit for the Netherlands but who wish to transfer this to a residence permit for startup entrepreneurs can also use the application form on the IND website.

Who assesses the application

For the assessment, the IND consults with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, that:

  • advises the facilitator;
  • assesses the startup and innovative nature of the company;
  • assesses your step-by-step plan to go from idea to company; and
  • helps you to get registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce.

A positive response is required on all counts to obtain a residence permit. The IND will assess the applicant's financial means.

Collecting your permit

After a successful application, you can collect the residence permit from the IND service desks in the Netherlands or at one of the officially cooperating ex-pat centres or ex-pat desks in the Netherlands.

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
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