
FDW Work Package 1 (WP1) - inception phase

Last checked on:
2 November 2023
Published on:
11 May 2017

After the inception phase, you must submit a Progress Report (narrative and financial). Please use the forms below.

This Progress Report should cover the period mentioned in the Grant Award and provide an overview of the activities undertaken and the results achieved during this period. It should also give an explanation for any deviation from the original project plan. Find more information on how to calculate labour costs in the download below.

For those results which have been achieved in full during the reporting period, all the corresponding Means of Verification must be sent as well.

The Progress Report for the inception phase must be accompanied by a Cooperation Agreement signed by all partners in the consortium.


The inception phase will be financed in advance. The second payment and following payments are dependent upon project liquidity and budget prognoses received with your Progress Reports. This means that the payment schedule will be adjusted based on the new liquidity and budget prognoses.

The funds will be paid in advance in quarterly instalments, up to a maximum of 90% of the total subsidy amount.

Please note that an updated Financial Report PPP Excel sheet for FDW16 and FDW17 projects is not available on this website. This will be sent by RVO to the lead project partners. If you have not received this yet, please contact your RVO project advisor to receive this.

Reporting changes

You must inform RVO immediately of facts or circumstances that:

  • may cause changes to (parts of) the project;
  • may cause delays in carrying out the project;
  • prevent you from fulfilling your obligations as laid down in the Grant Award.

More information on requesting a change of plan.

Forms to complete

Extra information ME form

Extra information Labour costs

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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