
Product Development Partnerships IV Fund - PDP IV

Last checked on:
12 August 2022
Published on:
1 August 2022

The Product Development Partnerships IV Fund (PDP IV) supports the development of healthcare products. PDP IV targets diseases and conditions related to poverty and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The fund focuses on the development and availability of more effective, safe, affordable and demand-driven medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and innovative products. The main target group is women and girls between the reproductive ages of 15 to 49 in Low-Income Countries (LICs) and Middle-Income Countries (MICs).

This programme is closed; you can no longer apply.

About PDP IV

PDP IV aims to improve access to medical products for SRHR and poverty-related diseases. These mainly affect women and girls between the reproductive ages of 15 to 49 in LICs and MICs. 

Research, product development and innovation have led to progress over the past decades. Still, the target group disproportionately deals with a high number of poverty-related diseases. Women and girls in target countries have an increased risk as they lack access to SRHR information, products and services. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation. Unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions and maternal deaths have increased.

To support the development and access to SRHR products and products aimed at poverty-related diseases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made funds available through the PDP IV Fund.  

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency carries out PDP IV on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sustainable Development Goals

PDP IV contributes to:

  • SDG 3: good health and wellbeing
  • SDG 5: gender equality

For whom?

Only Product Development Partnerships (PDPs) can apply for PDP IV. PDPs are not-for-profit public-private partnerships. They aim to speed up the development and availability of products that are unlikely to attract private investment while in development.

PDPs combine their knowledge and know-how to work efficiently and effectively on a portfolio of new or improved demand-driven products. These products treat diseases and conditions related to SRHR, poverty and epidemics. A PDP can be based in any country, except countries subject to international sanctions.


The available budget between December 2022 and December 2027 is €86.3 million.

PDPs can apply for a minimum of €14 million and a maximum of €21 million for the 5-year subsidy period.


To apply:

  1. The applicant is a Product Development Partnership (PDP), as described in paragraph 7 of the Administrative rules.
  2. At least 25% of the PDP’s total annual income between 2019 and 2021 must be from sources other than the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. The activities are within the geographical scope, priority themes and product-development phases stated in the Administrative rules.
  4. The PDP applies for a subsidy amount of a minimum of €14 million and a maximum of €21 million for the 5-year subsidy period.
  5. The activities carried out with the subsidy must be completed within 5 years and take place between December 2022 and December 2027.
  6. The activities must take place after the subsidy request. If your request is for an ongoing product development phase, the activities in the application must be clearly separated.
  7. The applicant must meet the Threshold criteria and Assessment criteria (please see the downloads below).

How to apply

This programme is closed; you can no longer apply.

After your application

The tender is closed. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency will evaluate all applications using the Assessment criteria.

The minister will decide on the applications by 19 December 2022 at the latest.

Support consists of an activities grant.

Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to frequently asked questions about the Product Development Partnerships IV Fund.


Looking for inspiration?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported PDPs under the PDP III Fund. Find out more about the PDPs under the PDP III Fund.

Questions about PDP IV?

Commissioned by:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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