Impact Clusters - IC
Are you an entrepreneur? Is your company based in the Netherlands? And would you like to work with other companies in promising markets in developing countries? The Impact Clusters subsidy programme supports companies seeking long-term investments in growing the private sector in a specific country. Knowledge institutes, trade organisations - in cooperation with companies - and NGOs can also apply for this subsidy.
Impact Clusters is temporarily closed for subsidy applications. A new subsidy round will open no earlier than March 2025. Criteria and forms may change the coming round. Stay informed via this web page, our newsletter, or our LinkedIn page.
For whom is the Impact Clusters subsidy?
The Impact Clusters (IC) subsidy is for entrepreneurs based in the Netherlands who want to start a project in a developing country with other companies and at least one local partner. These companies want to invest in the sustainable development of specific sectors in a country because they see commercial opportunities for themselves. For example, to sell more products in a country in the future or to establish operations there.
Dutch companies and local partner(s) work together in impact clusters. Knowledge institutes, trade organisations and NGOs can also participate in a cluster.
Would you like an initial, non-committal consultation with one of our advisors on this initiative? Then, email or call +31 (0) 88 042 42 42. We prefer existing impact clusters.
Budget and duration
Impact Clusters is a 6-year subsidy programme that runs until the end of 2028.
A total of €6.8 million is available in 2024.
Impact clusters can apply for subsidies of up to €620,000 in stable states and €680,000 in fragile states. See the list of possible countries in the section 'Impact cluster countries' below.
- An impact cluster consists of at least 5 partners, including at least 4 companies. Each partner in an impact cluster is a legal entity.
- NGOs, trade organisations and knowledge institutes can also participate in an impact cluster with companies.
- The subsidy applicant (lead party) has an office in the Netherlands and is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
- The project matches one of the Netherlands government's preferred private sector development sectors in the project country. You can find these countries in the pdf download below.
- For all terms and assessment criteria, see the documents under Rules and regulations.
Impact cluster countries
Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Moldova, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam.
Please note that we added Namibia to this list on 13 July 2023.
Fragile states
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Ukraine, Zimbabwe.
Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)
Your project must follow the international Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) guidelines. We take RBC into account when assessing your funding application. We ask you to:
- follow OECD guidelines;
- show how you conduct your operations following these OECD guidelines;
- carry out a proper risk analysis of social and environmental risks; and
- state the measures to prevent and reduce these risks.
Impact Clusters subsidy application
The deadline for submitting a subsidy application during the first 2024 opening was 17 June 2024, 15:00 CEST.
A new application round may open in early 2025.
Prepare your (future) application
Existing impact cluster
Have you already formed a cluster? If so, take the following steps before applying:
- Check whether your project idea matches one of the preferred sectors of the Dutch government's priority per country policy for your intended country (see pdf download under 'Conditions').
- Complete the mandatory quick scan.
While processing your quick scan, we may contact you to discuss how you wish to organise the project. - We will advise you on your completed quick scan within 6 weeks.
- Once you have received our advice, you can apply for funding within the application period. Submit your application well before the closing date, as we process subsidy applications on a first-come, first-served basis.
No impact cluster yet
If you do not have an impact cluster, contact us first for advice on how to proceed. Then, follow the procedure for existing clusters.
Sometimes, forming a new cluster may take longer than expected. If this means you cannot submit a subsidy application on time, you may be able to submit your complete application during a new application round. Discuss this possibility with our advisor.
How to apply for Impact Clusters
Please note that Impact Clusters is closed for applications at this time. A new subsidy round may open in early 2025.
During a subsidy round, you can submit an application if you have:
- completed the mandatory quick scan;
- received our advice as explained in 'Preparing your application', step 2 for existing impact clusters.
Please also note the following:
- The subsidy applicant (lead party) applies on behalf of the impact cluster.
- Make sure you apply for eHerkenning via eLoket in time. You need eHerkenning level 3. It may take a few weeks to process your application.
- Impact Clusters works on a first-come, first-served basis. This means we assess applications in the order we receive them.
- We only process complete applications. If your application is not complete, we will ask you for more information. If we do so, the date of your application will be the date we receive this information.
Checklist for your Impact Clusters application
Please keep the following company or organisation information at hand when submitting your application:
- your Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number
- your name and address details
- your bank details
- project name
- budget and subsidy amount
- start and end date of the project
- completed attachments (see required documents below).
Required documents (for 1st 2024 round)
Please be aware that for the coming round in 2025 different criteria and forms may apply. The forms below are purely indicative.
Quick scan documents
Project proposal documents
After your application
You will hear whether we have approved your application within 13 weeks.
If we approve your application, you can start the implementation phase of your project immediately. We will pay your subsidy in advance payments. The amount and frequency of the advance depend on the project stage and the expected budget needed. The total of the advance may be up to 90% of the total subsidy requested.
Project management and reporting
Submitting a progress report
When we grant you a subsidy, you must report on your project's progress by submitting an annual progress and financial report. Please download and complete the documents 'IC annual progress report' en 'IC project realisation tool'. You can find these documents below.
Reporting changes
Notify us of any project, implementation and/or organisation changes. For specific changes, you need our approval in advance. If you do not request our approval in advance, you risk losing your subsidy for the changed parts or the entire project. Contact your project advisor to notify us of any changes.
Submitting a final report
On completion of your project, you must submit a final report. Please download and complete the 'IC final report' and include the Annex 'IC project realisation tool'. You can find these documents below.
Rules and regulations
- Impact Clusters 2023-2028 2nd amendment to grant ceiling of 2nd opening in Government Gazette, 2 December 2024 (official publication in Dutch)
- Impact Clusters 2023-2028 amendment to grant ceiling of 2nd opening in Government Gazette, 11 November 2024 (official publication in Dutch)
- Impact Clusters 2023-2028 amendment to grant ceiling of 1st opening, and publication of 2024 opening in Government Gazette, 7 December 2023 (official publication in Dutch)
- Impact Clusters 2023-2028 in Government Gazette, 5 June 2023 (official publication in Dutch)
Unofficial Translation of Amendment to Government Gazette publication Impact Clusters (2024)
Unofficial Translation of Government Gazette publication Impact Clusters (2024)
Unofficial Translation Amendment Administrative Rules Impact Clusters (2023)
Unofficial Translation of Administrative Rules Impact Clusters (2023)
The Impact Clusters subsidy scheme aims to develop the private sector in developing countries. We do this by pooling knowledge, expertise and technology from Dutch or international companies, knowledge institutes, trade organisations and NGOs. In doing so, we collaborate to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth and a decent standard of work for all.
Cluster cooperation ensures the development and growth of the private sector in developing countries. It also enables Dutch companies to position themselves more effectively in a new market.
Impact Cluster projects
How does the Impact Clusters programme work in practice? Visit our Development Cooperation Projects database for an overview of existing and completed Impact Cluster projects. Or, watch the video about our Partner in Pellets project below.
Questions about Impact Clusters?
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs